Book Review: Speculation by Edmund Jorgensen. Plus, Gift Card or Autographed Copy up for Grabs!

As anyone would, upon hearing that the Law Offices of X, Y and Z were calling, philosophy professor Andy Wrangles suspects he’s the recipient of a prank call.  He soon learns that not only is the law firm real, but that he is a beneficiary in the will of a long-time friend.  Still determined that there is some […]

Day Nine – Connect and Flourish

There are many reasons a writer should make connections, not least is that some of them might get her away from the keyboard and out of the house. The needs of every writer will be different, just as we are all unique in what we write and how we write.  Without making connections we never stretch […]

Day Eight – Build a Solid Home for Your Words

It takes more than two-by-fours or bricks to build a house.  Just as it takes more than a dictionary full of words to build a story.  Before a house can be built, someone has a plan for what it will look like and what it will contain.  Before a story can be told, a writer has a plan […]

Day Seven – Perfection Can’t Make It: Just Start

I was just sittin’ ‘round waitin’ for Perfection to show up and make my writin’ glow.  You know what I mean?  And I’d been waitin’ quite a spell, let me tell you, so I moved from the office chair to the sofa, and back again.  A few times. Since I was back at the desk, […]

Day Six – Steal What You Need: Honestly, of Course

Not what you were expecting, is it?  Steal what you need?  Isn’t that wrong, in every way? It depends on what you’re stealing, how and why. There are three reasons stealing makes sense for a writer.  And they’re entirely legal.   There’s not enough time in your day to write. At least that’s what you declare […]

Making Word Music: Practice Your Way to Perfection

Yesterday I practiced writing.  Today I am practicing writing.  Tomorrow I will practice writing. Are you seeing a pattern here?  Practice is a repeated action.  The practitioner repeats the action because he is attempting to acquire proficiency. When I was young(er), I played the organ, and later the piano.  But I only played after minutes, […]

Day Three – Initiate a Writerly Habit: Clean It Up

It’s time to initiate one good writing habit.  Initiate is an action verb.  Meaning we have to actually do something. Let’s take a hard look at your writing lair.  Is everything organized and ready to find when you stumble into your writing space at Oh-dark-thirty in the morning?  (Thank you, Jeff Goins!)  Or are you […]

Make a Habit of It: Following the Greats

Last month I posted an entry in Jeff Goins’ You Are A Writer contest to promote his new book.  Writing my post and reading the posts of every other contestant was so inspiring.  The world is full of people who say they want to write.  But this group of 138 writers didn’t just talk about wanting to […]