Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. That’s because I’m gearing up to finish a couple of writing projects before the end of 2017. It feels so good to be back in the flow again. And I thought I’d drop in to ask a question. Do you know the difference between a writer and […]
Transformational Words
Savor the Possibilities
Yesterday was Infinite Possibilities Day. I love that word. Possibilities. In fact, it may be my favorite word. Doesn’t it just sing of magical unknown treasures and adventure as it rolls off the tongue? I picture each day as a vast space filled with boxes of all sizes and shapes. Some […]
Paint Your Story With All the Colors of Your Voice
How many colors does your writer’s palette hold? Why would you choose to use only one? Listen carefully, and your characters and scenes will show you the colors to use in harmonious storytelling.
Make Your Readers Feel the Pain
I’ve been neck deep in research and editing, enjoying every minute. And letting the days slip past before I come out of my red-pencil fog to check my deadlines. I planned to write about layering your characters’ backstories, referencing scenes from the movie “The Homesman.” In the meantime, I read Sue Coletta’s post over […]
What Language Do Your Characters Use?
What’s the missing ingredient to the story in which every character sounds like the next? It’s the individual’s language of life and personality. There is a magic in interpersonal communication sometimes ignored by writers. Characters from different backgrounds and life experiences express themselves in unique ways. A naturopath reminded me the other day […]
Own the Power of Your Words
Now, more than ever, each stroke of the pen makes a difference. You say, “But I’m only writing fiction.” Or you shrug off that short article about finding the best school for your children. Never underestimate the impact every word you write makes on the reader. So what do you choose to create with your […]
Have You Abandoned Your New Year’s Intentions Yet?
I read the other day that by January 21 of each year most people have abandoned or given up on the intentions they set on the first day of the year. Wow! Are we making our goals too hard? Dreaming too big? Reaching too high? Or are we just not clear on what we desire? […]
Choose Your 2017 Door of Opportunity
Did you hear that thundering boom as we stepped into 2017? It was probably the remaining reverberation of the first fireworks in my neighborhood—set off before 7:00 am on New Year’s Eve. It shook the house so hard, I thought a neighbor’s propane tank had exploded. No matter when or where your fireworks […]
A Blaze of Light
From heaven’s realm to the pull of earth’s rotation, we sing one word in joyful celebration. . .
How to Know When to Quit Writing
How do you know when it’s time to give up and quit writing? Well, there are four times it’s right to make that decision. You have nothing new to say You wrote and published a book. Maybe its inspiration was a period of devastation in your life. Perhaps you revealed your secret to money […]