Through the Eyes of Combat Correspondents

History’s most famous war correspondent, Ernie Pyle was not an enlisted man, instead reporting for Scripps-Howard newspaper chain.  He wrote not from the perspective of generals and leaders of nations, but from that of the private and sergeant on the frontlines of Sicily, Italy, France, and North Africa.  His words mirrored what resided in the […]

4 Ways to Scare the Socks Off Your Readers

Stop me if you’ve heard this one.  A monster walks into a bar. . . One patron is terrified because the monster looks like nature’s worst nightmare. Another patron shakes with fright because he can’t see the monster, but he knows there’s something after him. The third patron’s fear arises from recognizing the monster and […]

4 Reasons Writers Should Love October

Ahh, October.  Cool nights perfect for sleeping, painting tapestries of rich color across the landscape.  But that’s not why writers should love October. A chance to use our sharpest pens to carve out a few scary stories. Ghosts, werewolves, zombies, and ax murderers are waiting in your imagination.  If horror isn’t your usual genre, give […]

Where Do Your Characters Draw the Strength to Take Action?

After seeing how our characters’ body awareness reflects who they are, and what their Inner Critics whisper in their ears, we analyzed how their fears force them to take action.  Now we need to understand how and where our characters draw strength to accomplish those actions. Once they acknowledge fear, it becomes something to overcome.  […]