Sometimes You Have to Start Fresh

Welcome to the fresh new look of Transformational Editor! Once again, I’m dedicating these pages to every writer who needs a hand to lead them through the writing wilderness, to every person who dreams of seeing a book with their name on the cover.

Welcome to new look - png

I hope you find the information on this website and in my blog posts inspiring and, most of all, helpful.


Sometimes when writing, we find we have to throw away the work we’ve already done to approach the story from a new perspective. The new design of this website is the result of me taking that approach to the years of learning that I share with you.


Visit a while and explore the new layout of Transformational Editor. For those who don’t know what they can expect from an editor, I’ve provided details about my editing and coaching packages under the Services and FAQ tabs. Resources for Writers is in its infant stage as there are so many other writers and tips I plan to add to that page. These are tools and services I use every day.


For beginners, you’ll find enough information at Transformational Editor to get started on your path to publication. And for those of you who have reached that status one or more times, I hope you find inspiration to continue learning and growing in your writing success.


If you’re one of my Blog readers, you’ll now find that page in the tabs along the top of the site.


For everyone who offered glowing testimonials for my People Are Talking page, you know that I appreciate you and enjoy working with you.


And you can browse through the list of my books. Do check out my latest collaboration effort, the Zombie Guide to English Grammar * and have some fun with the rules. (Concept and word list by Derek Murphy, artwork by Donovan Scherer, story by me.)


I’m polishing my PDF and newsletter offer to make it even more valuable. If you sign up now, I’ll send a copy to you as soon as it’s done. Just email me with “I want in” on the subject line, and I’ll make sure you get the file and add you to the newsletter list.


Take a look around and let me know what you think about my new look and format. I hope I’ve created a website that’s easy to navigate while offering tons of help to writers at every level.


Any questions? Email me and I’ll get back to you. Thanks for visiting again. Y’all come back, you hear?

* Affiliate link


If you’d like to work with me this year, I have a few spots open through the end of the year. Email me at and let’s start a conversation about how I may help you attain your writing dreams.