Have you ever had one of the days where the story and your characters want to journey anywhere except where you planned to take them? Well, that’s the way it’s going for me today. Like wrestling with a greased pig. Every time I think I have all those thrashing little hooves pinned down, they slip […]
Make Me Cry, Please
How do you choose the books you read? Do certain authors attract you, making you eager to devour anything they offer? Do you prefer to read one genre to the exclusion of others? Does the plot or location of the story influence your decision? I don’t make every decision about a book purchase based on the […]
6 Ways to Plan 50,000 Words
November will be here before you know it, along with an opportunity to hunker down and write the first draft of something new and exciting. And there’s still time to plan for success in reaching a 50,000 word goal within thirty days. Yes, I’m talking about the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge. Does the […]
Which Classic Would You Reinvent?
Emily Wenstrom, editor and publisher of short story ezine wordhaus, wrote a wonderful post this week on reinterpreting art. I had to smile as I recalled experiencing the same sense of familiarity she describes. Usually from an instrumental melody streaming from elevator speakers, or soothing patients in their long wait at the doctor’s office. And […]
Stop Writing
I recently read a post by Dr. Steven Farmer in which he talked about taking his niece to acting lessons. While he waited, his interest was piqued by a comment the instructor made to the children and teens in the class. “Stop acting.” Dr. Farmer understood what the man was telling the students. The man […]
Motivation Part 2: The “Why” That Shapes Your Life
Last week I wrote about finding your core motivation for getting out of bed every morning. Now I want build upon that and find the motivation that drives you to write. That’s right. Why do you write? There are as many reasons to write as there are writers. Some write for fame and fortune. Some, […]
Motivation: What Drives You From Your Bed
I was talking to a friend about procrastination when she asked, “What motivates you?” Wow. I had to stop for a moment as I processed that question. In my mind, a dozen paths unfurled, mapping the motivations that drive different parts of my life. Even as I contemplate what motivates me to write, I realize […]