Death ushered another close friend from this world last week. I barely recognized my friend as I read the obituary. How did the editor make this man’s life sound so bland? Where was the feeling of joie-de-vivre that filled every day of his existence? The best obituaries I’ve ever read were written—often with great humor—by […]
Motivation Part 2: The “Why” That Shapes Your Life
Last week I wrote about finding your core motivation for getting out of bed every morning. Now I want build upon that and find the motivation that drives you to write. That’s right. Why do you write? There are as many reasons to write as there are writers. Some write for fame and fortune. Some, […]
Motivation: What Drives You From Your Bed
I was talking to a friend about procrastination when she asked, “What motivates you?” Wow. I had to stop for a moment as I processed that question. In my mind, a dozen paths unfurled, mapping the motivations that drive different parts of my life. Even as I contemplate what motivates me to write, I realize […]