NaNoWriMo: 3 Big Reasons to be Thankful for the Experience

It’s here.  The final week of NaNoWriMo.  And you’re stretching to reach the finish line. With tomorrow being Thanksgiving Day, here in America, it seems a good time to pause and reflect on reasons to be thankful for your NaNoWriMo experience.   1.  Your manuscript word count is higher than when you began this challenge. […]

Contests: The Value Beyond the Prize

Do you enter writing contests?  I ask because writers have differing views on whether it’s of value to their career.  The value of entering writing contests is far more significant than just trying to win a cash prize or bragging rights.   Let me share what I’ve learned about entering contests. 1 – Contests are […]

Writing in Your Perfect Time

There are innumerable opinions on the perfect time to write. Some say it’s best to rise early in the morning and crank out a few pages before the world and your family wakes. There are those who write in the middle of the day, sneaking moments during their lunch break, or the baby’s nap to add […]