Crushing the Could’ve, Would’ve, Should’ve Demons

Can you believe March is nearly gone?  Maybe it doesn’t feel possible because we’ve spent so much time over the past three months responding to weather events and longing for spring. Well, spring is on the doorstep, and she’s bringing flowering surprises around each corner, spiders intent on finding indoor homes, and a lawn full […]

Putting the Shine on a Brand New Year of Writing Fun

Each year at this time I ask if you’ve begun to set your writing goals for next year.  And I know to some of you the mere thought of planning and scheduling your dreams sounds like the biggest drag in the universe. And it can be.  Your past experiences may range from boring, to painful, […]

6 Ways to Spring into New Writing Energy

If you live in the northern hemisphere, you’re probably more than eager to see the last cold winds of winter blow away.  And if there’s not another flake of snow for the next six months, your feelings won’t be hurt.  It’s been a long, cold, dreary winter around here. But the advent of spring brings […]