What’s Your Biggest Fear About Editors?

Unless you’re an editor, you can’t imagine the glow of delight created when a client says they love what I’ve helped them do with their words.

That feeling not only strengthens my resolve to help other writers but empowers my client to continue writing.

Without a solid base of story, character, and plot, there would be nothing for me to edit.  So I always remind writers I work with that our connection would never happen without their bravery in putting the words on the pages, and in entrusting those pages to someone else.

It’s a nurturing relationship.  A good editor makes a writer feel they can achieve any goal if they work at it.  And the editor steers them gently in the direction they have stated they want to go.  A writer hoping to create a successful bond with an editor is open to suggestions that help weave a stronger story and build a solid base from which to reach their dreams.

There have been far too many writers I’ve talked with who fear editors.  Those writers hold a firm conviction that no one understands where they’re taking their characters and the setting, except themselves.  Any editor getting his or her hands on their precious words will strip all meaning and uniqueness from the story.  The writers fear they won’t recognize the pages they get back.

Let me reassure you.  A good editor does not take a blacksmith’s hammer to a delicate golden bracelet of words.  She uses a tiny jeweler’s tool to nudge the graceful arc into even more pleasing form.  And she never sets that treasure into stone without the author’s approval.

So here’s your chance.  Tell me your greatest fear having to do with editors.  You can leave a comment or email me at Suzanne@TransformationalEditor.com.  No question is too silly to ask because somewhere out there is someone else wanting to know the same thing you do.  I’ll answer each comment or email and help you discover ways your fear of working with an editor may be holding you back from your book dreams.


If you’d like to work with me this year, I have a few spots open through the end of the year.  Email me at Suzanne@TransformationalEditor.com and let’s start a conversation about how I may help you attain your writing dreams.