Yesterday a flock of geese flew in a low jagged line across my property, their discordant honking filling the air. I watched them pass from sight behind the walnut tree that chose that moment to release of drift of leaves from every branch. These signs catapulted me into the realization that a new season is […]
Anticipating Cold Creativity
Summer’s nearly gone. Around here the community swimming pools are closing, coinciding with the start of a new school year. Sure, there are a handful of places holding out until Labor Day weekend. But there’s already a sensation of change, of moving away from warm-weather activities, and preparing for the new season. Various projects that […]
Putting Writers on Notice: What’s Going On?
Have you noticed what’s going on around you lately? It’s fall. What are your characters doing that shows your reader the change in season? Are you still sheltering your hero within the walls of his office and home so the reader has no idea where he lives, or what’s going on in his life? Or […]