Make a Habit of It: Following the Greats

Last month I posted an entry in Jeff Goins’ You Are A Writer contest to promote his new book.  Writing my post and reading the posts of every other contestant was so inspiring.  The world is full of people who say they want to write.  But this group of 138 writers didn’t just talk about wanting to […]

Leaping Into Failure: Chances Are You’ll Reach Excellence

Sometimes we have to hear it from someone else.  We know the facts, but they always seem to apply to someone else.  Someone else can write a book, find an energetic, nurturing agent, and have multiple high profile publishers engaged in a six-figure auction for the right to bring your book to the world. But […]

Revealing Ourselves: Writers Take Risks

So, I didn’t win, or even place, in Jeff’s Goins’ You Are a Writer contest.  But that doesn’t matter.  What matters is that I was one of 138 writers who publicly stood up and declared our innermost identities.  Isn’t that the most important thing?  That we claim our talents and make use of them – […]

Claim It, Shout It: I Am A Writer!

Is yours the only house on the block with a window still lit at 2:00 a.m.?  If that light were not casting a golden glow across your backyard when he comes home from swing shift, would the deputy sheriff living next-door break down the door to see if you are lying in a pool of […]

Generous Writers Reap Rewards: Share Your Knowledge

Are you a generous writer?  When you run across a contest or call for submissions do you hoard it for yourself, or do you joyfully send the information to writer friends you know can create exactly what the publisher desires?  Are you afraid if you share what you have learned with other writers that somehow they […]