Third Wednesday: Plan vs. Action

This post deviates a bit from my usual Third Wednesday article.

Instead of writing about words I’ve seen misused, I want to write about how I’m stepping into a new year of blogging.  And I’m hoping you’ll let me know how I can best help you reach your goals in writing and publishing your books.

Instead of spending the end of 2015 setting goals I took a couple of weeks off to remember why I created this blog and to analyze if it meets my goal of supporting and encouraging writers.

So the words I want to look at today are Plan and Action.


Plan – to devise a scheme for doing, making, or arranging for a purpose or project.

Every year I plan to write more, be more creative in other parts of my life, and to make time to have fun.

Plans help focus your attention on something you want to do.  You wouldn’t want to build a spaceship or a sailing ship without a plan.

Action – the state of being in motion or of working.

Action is the only way to make plans come to fruition.

When I move from the planning to the action stage, magical things begin to happen in my life.


Here’s another look at Plan and Action.


Plans are the only thing I need to be a writing success.

If I don’t meet my goals for my writing projects, I just make a new plan.

There’s no need to take action if I have a solid plan in place.

Action is something that happens in Doc Savage comics but has nothing to do with writing and publishing my words.


A plan gives me a snapshot of where I am and where I want to be in my writing.

I plan to move from imagining what I want to do into completing the steps required to get there.

Once I know what I need to do, I take action to accomplish my writing dreams.

The sooner I move into action, the sooner I see my name on a book at the local bookstore.

There’s no way to make a plan for a writing career become a reality without action on my part.


How will you take action to make your writing dreams a success this year?  Where do you get hung up in the process of writing and publishing?

How can I help you claim 2016 as your year for writing success?  Leave a comment or use the contact form and tell me the biggest fear keeping you from taking Action right now.  Let’s make your dreams come true.

Next week I’ll tell you about the projects I’ve chosen to work on this year.