Last week sailed right by me without a tickler to write a new post. I didn’t realize I’d missed my schedule until yesterday.
That’s what happens when you hit those rare moments when everything’s flowing, and you’re groovin’ on the vibes of inspiration. The hours flash past. Your mind is hyper-focused on what’s in front of you. And you hate to take a break for fear the ideas will dry up.
The day I was supposed to post a new article, I was wrapping up the edit/rewrite of a series of web pages for a client, finishing an e-book edit for another, and mulling over whether I should enter the Words With JAM First-Page Competition 2016. (I decided to make four entries. When I sent in four first-pages in 2013, one of mine was short-listed. Wish me luck this year.)
This month’s work also included the judging the final round of the New Voices Young Writers contest. In the first round, I had 42 senior-level non-fiction entries to read, rate, and write short comments for the authors. Luckily, I only had to rate six junior-level entries for the final round. This labor of love is right up my alley, as I know when children fall in love with reading and writing at an early age, they become lifelong readers. And some of them go on to become successful writers. I’m looking forward to seeing the winning entries in the New Voices Anthology.
It was an incredibly busy month, but very satisfying in the amount and variety of work I accomplished. I’m not always blessed to be in the flow as I was for nearly thirty days.
What does your writing life look like when everything comes together, and you just take off with your ideas? Is that the norm for you, or is it a place you fall into on occasion? Share with us in the comments and maybe we’ll all be inspired to reach those zen moments more often.
In the meantime, I’ll get back to an every other week update schedule. Hope to see you in two weeks.
If you’d like to work with me this year, I have a few spots open through the end of the year. Email me at and let’s start a conversation about how I may help you attain your writing dreams.