I truly celebrate the superpowers of writers.
Specifically, writers have the power to shape words into tools to create change in the world, to influence attitudes, and to encourage specific behavior. I’ve always believed that the power of words can transform lives.
Let’s talk about the writer’s superpower to promote women’s health through self-breast exams and mammograms.
Yes, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Few women don’t personally know someone undergoing treatment for breast cancer, or living as a breast cancer survivor. In fact, it would even be hard to find many men who have not seen the effects of cancer in their own family or in the family of someone they know.
There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of events and happenings scheduled through the month for the sole purpose of supporting women affected by this disease.
The Penguin Group (USA) has implemented a Read Pink program to promote breast cancer awareness and related medical research. They invite their readers to select books with the bright pink badge on the cover. Penguin Group has sponsored 500 hours of research each of the three years the program has been running. On top of that, they promise to donate $25,000 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) – regardless of sales!
What could be more fitting than for writers to support this essential research by buying and reading a book sporting this badge? Check out the list of Read Pink books on the Penguin Group website, buy one or several that look interesting, and do your part to support women (and men!) battling breast cancer. You’ll find pages of information on the website if you’re looking for more education about breast cancer and current research for a cure.
How can you employ your words to support charities and research dear to you? Have you ever donated your writing skills in aid of an important cause? Leave a comment and tell us about your experience.
Disclaimer: I’m not associated in any way with the Penguin Group. Nor do I have a book in their list. I just think this is an excellent way for writers and readers to support this cause.
This one’s for you, Heidi and Judy!