Analyzing NaNoWriMo Lessons Learned

As I type this, NaNoWriMo 2016 moves into its final hours.  Some of you who participated have completed your word count and downloaded your winner’s certificate.  Others are manically pounding the keyboard, determined to beat the midnight deadline.  And many are nowhere near 50,000 words and have given up hope of flaunting a winner’s T-shirt. […]

Motivation Part 3: How do You Want to Feel?

This is the final installment in my “motivation” series. Here’s part one.  And part two.   Now that you’ve defined your life motivation, and discovered how that shaped the motivation for your career as a writer, how do you want to feel about that career? I mean, do you wish to bask in the accolades […]

Motivation Part 2: The “Why” That Shapes Your Life

Last week I wrote about finding your core motivation for getting out of bed every morning.  Now I want build upon that and find the motivation that drives you to write. That’s right.  Why do you write? There are as many reasons to write as there are writers. Some write for fame and fortune.  Some, […]